About The Senior Creative Of


Hi there— I’m Ranee. Some may recognize me from Treasures For Trauma, Inc. It feels amazing to finally experience the once turbulent ground solid under my feet. It is my belief that God knew I would need Art. Sort of like the burning bush, this gift has served not as Christ, but as a “Type of christ” in my life. Since I can recall, creativity has been my ever present and loyal companion. The God-tool that is Art has never failed me. Perhaps, you can relate to what I have shared. 

As I matured, my inner inspiration has empowered me to fill the position of drum major in my life. So, I am not at all surprised (but entirely delighted) that my journey would bring me here, to HOWZ OF TRIBZ.

Being a born Creative and self-taught student of interior decorating, I have a great passion for sourcing, designing, and making home decor accents and fashion accessories. My goal is to help create visually captivating spaces and fashion ensembles that resonate with the essence of who you truly are. With a formal education in Liberal Arts, my approach seamlessly merges natural elements and cultural accent sensibilities. I like to combine these accessories with spatial and fashion design principles to assist you as you redefine aesthetics that ultimately create harmonious and functional living spaces and looks that are a true reflection of your authentic self.

Hi there!

Hey! Running errands and doing a little impromptu shopping with my teenager! No makeup and 100% natural hair. Without apology, I dance to my drums!

Services We  Offer

Whether a single room or a full home makeover, we can offer suggestions for solutions via virtual Brainstorming Sessions to elevate your living spaces to new levels of your personal style and comfort. Below are some of the current and future services we offer:

  • Item description
  • Receive expert design guidance from the comfort of your home, with personalized recommendations and solutions for your space.

  • Breathe new life into individual rooms, refreshing and refining their aesthetics while maintaining their unique character.

  • Turn your entire home into a harmonious masterpiece with a comprehensive design overhaul, from floor to ceiling.




YouTube - www.youtube.com/@RaneeJones-Handle

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/raneejoness/

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094454168653

Let’s stay connected

Reach out about a product, project, or a collaboration.